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Lanna station. Photo: Per Weslien
Lanna station. Photo: Per Weslien


Work at the station
Work at the station. Photo: Per Weslien



Aerial view Lanna
Vegetation map Lanna. A: Main ICOS field; B: similar management as "A", but different N-fertilizer amounts; C: similar management as "A", but mineral fertilizers only; D: former farm house; E: stream Jungaån; F: small farms with a few deciduous trees, no animals; G: Lanna Research Station



Where does the air come from that is measured at 2.6 m height at the tower? Footprint area for July 2014. Each contour line adds 10% contribution starting at the tower (red dot); the background map is an illustration of the vegetation height; footprint model FFP (Kljun et al. 2015).


Climate diagram
Climate Diagram Lanna (data period 1961-1990, SMHI station Lanna). The diagram displays monthly averages for temperature and precipitation. When the precipitation curve undercuts the temperature curve, this indicates dry season. When the precipitation curve exceeds the temperature curve, this indicates moist season.


Vegetation map
Vegetation map Lanna. A: Main ICOS field; B: similar management as "A", but different N-fertilizer amounts; C: similar management as "A", but mineral fertilizers only; D: former farm house; E: stream Jungaån; F: small farms with a few deciduous trees, no animals; G: Lanna Research Station


Wind rose
Wind rose Lanna.
Data from 2014-01-01 until 2016-11-20 measured with a sonic anemometer .

