open job: Postdoc position in atmospheric science at Lund University, Sweden
ICOS is looking for a new Director General
ICOS ERIC is searching for a new Director General (DG). The DG is appointed by the ICOS ERIC General Assembly for a five-year term, renewable twice. The position will become available mid-to late…
ICOS handbook 2024 published
An updated version of the ICOS handbook is available. Access the pdf version by clicking the cover page image
ClimBEco PhD course, September 2024
Click on the image for more information.
European Greenhouse Gas Bulletin Fluxes, Vol 2 published
WMO Congress endorses the Global Greenhouse Gas Initiative
The World Meteorological Congress has approved the initiative for greenhouse gas monitoring and quantification. The WMO coordinated global greenhouse gas monitoring…
ACTRIS ERIC officially established by the European Comission
ACTRIS Sweden is dedicated to high quality observations of aerosols, clouds, short-lived trace gases and exploration of their interactions. It delivers precision data, services and…
Öppet hus vid Hyltemossa Forskningsstation
Lördag, den 3 juni håller vi dörrarna öppna för allmänheten vid Hyltemossa forskningsstation, strax söder om Perstorp (Skåne) mellan kl 11 och 3. Kom, och lär dig vad vi gör på stationen.…
Norunda clear-cut finalized
On November, 24 2022, the clear-cutting at the combined ICOS Atmosphere and forest Ecosystem Station Norunda was finalized. ICOS Sweden measurements will continue to collect data about the carbon…
For the latest news regarding ICOS global network visit ICOS RI:s website